With this new discovery, the fate of Gallia’s ability to defeat the Empire and save the lives of the Gallian citizen. During the ensuing war, Squad 7 discovers that the Empire possesses a secret weapon, known as the “Valkyrur” – an ancient race with special powers thought to exist only in legends. The game is sequel to the modern Actproton Games and Adventure Games. Overview Valkyria Chronicles: Valkyria Chronicles is a Tactical Role Playing Video Game.
Within this struggle a hero named Welkin, and his fellow soldiers of the Gallian Militia, ‘Squad 7’ are fighting back against the invasion and the Empire’s attempts to unify the continent under its power. Valkyria Chronicles Free Download Multiplayer PC Game With All Updates And DLCs Worldofpcgames Best Website To Download Free Games Mac OS X DMG Valkyria Chronicles 4 Free Download. The Empire has set its sights on invading the principality Gallia, which shares its borders with the two superpowers, in an attempt to secure an invaluable natural resource, Ragnite. Set in a fictitious continent reminiscent of the 1930s, Valkyria Chronicles depicts Europa, divided and ruled by two super powers: the Empire and the Federation. The critically acclaimed RPG Valkyria Chronicles invades PC in 1080p True HD! All previously released DLC included.